Sunday, June 15, 2008

Whatttta Weekend!

Happy Father's Day!
We worked, boated and enjoyed Luke's Birthday party on Saturday evening.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The 8th Wonder of the World.....well almost

Here is our new retaining wall! Yahoo, how fun.....a wall!!!!! Each block weighs 2700 lbs! Good job, Travis and Randy.

Fun times!

We've had a great weekend with our friends. Here is Zane and Reed Garrett hangin out.

Di and Sean Freeman

Silly Guy

We visited Dean, Linda and their new dog, Kobi!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wack em Hard Holly

Here is Holly wacking that ole yellow ball with her tennis partner Matt. She also had time to get some work done out at the house. What a gal.