Sunday, December 5, 2010

Apple Cup 2010

What a great Apple Cup. WSU vs. UW. It came down to the last 44 seconds. Jake Locker got his win to go to a bowl game. I wish WSU had won but I got my wish, just a good close game. Cousin Derek came all the way from Seattle to attend the game and spend the weekend with us. I had a great time with Sean and Todd at the game too. Thanks guys.

Todd being a little crazy.

Big D in Big P

Happy Turkey Day

The snow has arrived! We had a great turkey day weekend. We went to Silver Mountain. They have a water park that Zane and I really enjoyed. He loved the slide below and went by himself about 3 dozen times. We are thankful for our new baby girl, Anika. We are thankful for our fortunate lives and good health. Remember our troops and freedom. Pray fer snow.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Baby Pic's

Baby Anika is doing well. A little upset tummy the last few days.
Holly's mom, Jan came to help with the new baby. She was great and we appreciate her making the trip and all her help.

Family of Seahawk fans. We've been disapointed lately.

Zane and Nana Jan.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The new Baby GIRL!!!!!!

Here she is! Ms. Anika Casey Edwards
7 lb 18.5" Born November 3rd 2010

Proud Big Brother Zane. He held Anika for about 30 minutes and did great with her. He is so caring.

Just minutes old here

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Zane was a Seahawk Football Player for Halloween. He wore his costume, including helmet, to school on Friday. Pretty cute!

Zane in his room. Painting are by Abby Thielen. They look great. What a cool Room.

Carving Pumpkins

Zane carved his first pumpkin with dad at the Heiman's house. He did a great job and was not scared of the slimy insides of a pumpkin. His was a "Happy" pumpkin. Dad carved a wolf but Zane added his touches and there was not much left! It was pretty funny.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Montana 73 Western State-Colorado 2, But still a Fun Time

Sean, Doug and I took in the Montana vs Western State game, my Ala mater. Montana was impressive and I found myself torn on who to root for. The game had a lightning delay to the benefit of Western. The tail-gaiting was very fun as you can see we scored plenty of free beer and even a few Brauts. Thanks Sean and Doug for the great time.

We fished Rock Crick hard. We tried our best but only pulled a few fish out. What a beautiful stretch of water.

Sean with the best catch of the day.

Doug and Ryan relaxing after fishing.

Zane's first day of School!!

Here is Zane on the front steps before his first day of school. He was very excited to see his friends and new teachers.

We went to a bike rodeo!

Yes, that is Zane riding his new bike, without training wheels. He has the riding and balance down. We are working on stopping and brakes!

Our Friend Brodie, made this bike for Zane as a gift. Zane calls it his motorcycle. It has a sheild with his name and the number 2....Zane's favorite number.

A Fun weekend

Hanging with Nana and Poppa.

A ride on Brodie's kayak. He made it himself. Pretty cool.

Spokane Shock Win the Arena Super Bowl

Nana Jan came to visit and a few days later Poppa Lon came too. We went to the Super Bowl of Arena football! The Spokane Shock won it all. It was a blast. You can it was loud, Zane wore his ear plugs.

Being silly and rocking out on the boat with Brodie, the neighbor kid.

Brodie's nice and delicious bass.

Nana and Zane.

Mc Family Reunion - Banks Lake, WA

We had a fantastic family reunion. Banks Lake was a fun place to gather, but it flew by way too fast. As you can see, everyone in my immediate family came and then almost everyone in my extended family made it. Over 60 people in all.

We had a "Hawaii 5-0 party" party for Aunt Kelly's 50th birthday!

Aunt Emily and Uncle J.

Big enough to feed everyone.