Saturday, January 1, 2011

CHRISTMAS! Santa came!

Here we come, down the stairs to see if Santa came to our house. Zane was very excited.

Santa came through with the Gonzaga Jersey that Zane asked for!

Zane also got new skis for Christmas!!!

Here is Brodie, the neighbor boy. They are showing off their loot from their Christmas
haul. Brodie got a fancy bat and a ski pass.

Grandpa Russ came for Christmas!

Zane and Ryan picked up Grandpa Russ with a great sign. We had a wonderful and relaxing visit with Grandpa. He played with Zane a lot and even joined us on a ski trip to Silver Mountain.

Holding his granddaughter, Anika.

Hanging out with Zane.

Abby and Chris Visit

We had a great visit with Abby and Chris. They stayed for 2 nights and we had many laughs. Abby was a great help with Anika and held her while Holly made dozens of cookies.

Future Christmas card for Abby and Chris??? Chris looks a bit worried.