Friday, March 22, 2013

My Birthday Part 2.

My buddies (Ryan and Mike) were great sports and wore the mullet wigs and hockey jerseys with me to the Spokane Chiefs hockey game.  We had a blast and lots of laughs. 

 Credit to Holly....She got me good.  It's NOT my 40th Birthday!!!!!  AAAAHHHHHHGGGGG
Payback is a coming her way!

 This is "Boomer" gettin frisky with Holly. 
 The girls would not even sit with us. 
 Mike looked the best.  People were doing double takes.  He kept the mullet wig....hhhhmmmm.

Great Birthday Part 1

 My birthday!  Yea, it started out with a cinnamon role!

My buddy, Ryan Scott, and I had a grrrrrrrreat day.
We called it "Cords and Cutty's"
Yes, we ripped up the corduroy in the AM and went fishing in the afternoon.
Thanks to Ryan for the great day.

Fun times
 Waders, PBR and fishin in March!

Check this out!  The first fish of the year.  A nice cutty on my birthday.  Ahhhhhh, what a great day.


Winter Fun

 Zane and I Sledding
 Is that Russell Wilson?
 Backcountry skiing!  Look at these views. 

 Ooops, did I get something on my shirt.
On a walk with our friend, Emily.


 Fun at the waterpark.
These kids love water!

Future Gonzaga Bulldog!
Hoop it up.