Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

We Had a Dog, Monkey, Bob The Builder and 4 Moms!



Luke: Bob the Builder

Holly, Diane, Karen and Christine

Monday, October 27, 2008

Our Little Man

Here is Zane. 15 Months Old


Ryan's Buck that got away....I wish.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Go Montana GRIZ!

Hey Football Fans! Doug, Karen, Christine, Gabe, Sean! (Not pictured Diane and Luke) Happy Birthday Doug. A great time was had by all.

Christine and Di.

Ryan went to the Montana Griz vs. Eastern Washington Eagles game with his friends the Dansers and Freemans. Zane had a fever so, he and Holly had to stay home. It was probably best since it was pretty windy and cold. The Griz won 19-3!

Abby's Wedding

Zane's gal Abby got hitched to Chris! We had a great time and wish them the best!
Zane is wearing his nice new clothes from Grandpa Russ!

Zane's Scrap Book

Here is the scrap book Ryan and Gramme Edwards made for Zane. We hope you get to see it someday.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gramme Mary Ellen comes to visit

Sorry, we have not blogged in a while. We've been busy!

Grandma Mary Ellen came from Portland for a visit.