Monday, October 13, 2008

Go Montana GRIZ!

Hey Football Fans! Doug, Karen, Christine, Gabe, Sean! (Not pictured Diane and Luke) Happy Birthday Doug. A great time was had by all.

Christine and Di.

Ryan went to the Montana Griz vs. Eastern Washington Eagles game with his friends the Dansers and Freemans. Zane had a fever so, he and Holly had to stay home. It was probably best since it was pretty windy and cold. The Griz won 19-3!


Canyonwren said...

Picking the Eagles, a yearly event. So, pull up you pants Ryan!

Canyonwren said...

I ment picking ON the Eagles.

Rachel said...

The football team I can't do much about... pathetic I know. Tell Ryan I am with Deano… is that really a picture you want to broadcast?????? The flowers are from my brother (nope, no “special” guy yet) for my birthday... ah what a guy. I miss you all, I was just thinking today as I walked across campus I miss having lunch with Holly. Take care friend, and give that man of yours a good kick in the but for me.

Emily said...

Why waste your time with these teams? Montana State is where its at!